Examples of RREM program in a sentence
We understand that while all efforts shall be made to accept and convey the acceptance of each deliverable in accordance with the Project schedule, no deliverable will be considered accepted until a specific written communication to that effect is made by JUT.
RREM program managers will request the full staff of all general contractors to be used in New Jersey for comparison purposes.
The RREM program managers will adopt the DCA Section 3 Plan and train the general contractors working in the RREM Program.
RREM contract administrators will provide support to DCA to meet the reporting requirements, where applicable to the RREM program, to the recordkeeping areas identified in the DCA Policy of Management and Record Keeping approved June 2013.
The RREM program managers should maintain a copy of the Section 3 forms related to the general contractors assigned to them.
George Tom as to certain NYPD computer databases that the reference to “1127 Decatur Street” in GX 332 was not the result of a search, but rather the actual query term.
Each RREM program manager will cooperate fully with the DCA, HUD, or HUD OIG monitors/auditors and assist them by providing all necessary access to databases and documents requested.
Third party (or non-program staff) consistency reviews for all monitoring processes for the RREM program managers’ oversight inspection and monitoring functions.
The RREM program managers will provide technical assistance on how to obtain verification of Section 3 contractors and individuals.
The RREM program managers will assist the general contractors in completing the reports required by DCA and/or HUD.Monitoring of Section 3 Use by General Contractors 2.4.5 Initial Reports on current staff of General Contractors.