Examples of Safety Case in a sentence
An International Overview of Approaches and Experiences, NEA 2003, ISBN 92-64-02128-0 • Further information on public involvement can be found in the proceedings of the WPDD Topical Session on Safety Case [NEA/RWM/WPDD(2002)2] and the Status report Achieving the Goals of the Decommissioning Safety Case which was published in April 2005 [NEA/RWM/WPDD(2005)3].
In doing so it will underpin the associated Air System SC (see RA1205 - Air System Safety Case).
Once accepted, there is a legal obligation on the Gas Transporter to comply with its Safety Case.
Such revisions will need approval by the HSE before they may be implemented.National Grid Gas’s Safety Case contains a section (Section 17: Adequate Network Pressure) that is relevant to the planning and development of the NTS to ensure that adequate pressure is maintained within the network under a range of operating conditions.
Such arrangements will require to be described in each Transporter’s Safety Case consistent with this Proposal, if implemented.