Examples of Salaried Members in a sentence
Pursuant to the OPEB/Other Employee Claims Settlements, the Salaried Members Representatives, on behalf of themselves and the Salaried Members, and the USW, on behalf of itself and the USW Members, have each acknowledged and agreed that for the purposes of the Plan, no Salaried Member or USW Member, respectively, has an Employee Priority Claim, subject only to the Pay Equity Priority Claim.
We filed claims on behalf of the Salaried Members for your OPEB losses against Wabush Mines in the CCAA proceedings.
Pursuant to the settlement reached in the Amended CCAA Plan, OPEB and other claims for the Salaried Members will be allowed by the Monitor in the total claim amount of $26,090,100.
For greater clarity, these DC Provisions shall not apply to Former Nabisco Salaried Members, Former Cadbury Former Adams Members and Former Cadbury Designated Members.
We also objected to the concept that the individual voting of the Salaried Members would be required to vote at a creditors’ meeting, rather than voting as a group through their Representative Counsel.
Meland of FFMP, argued that Representative Counsel should vote the claims of the employees and retirees to ensure that the votes of all of the Salaried Members would be counted and that our group would have greater ability to negotiate an improved Plan of Compromise.
IV.2 Importance of the questions to the present action 2015 QCCA 1351 (CanLII)[41] The decision not to apply the PBSA deemed trust in CCAA proceedings has meaningful negative consequences for both the Salaried Members and the Union.
Specifically they state that the deemed trust priority should continue to apply for the benefit of Salaried Members over the assets of the company in future priority distributions (after the DIP and CCAA-ordered priorities).
For this second argument, the Salaried Members target the following paragraphs of the CCAA Judge’s reasons as they pertain to the effectiveness of the PBSA deemed trust in CCAA proceedings: [78] For all of these reasons, the Court concludes that Parliament’s intent is that federal pension claims are protected in insolvency and restructurings only to the limited extent set out in the BIA and the CCAA, notwithstanding the potentially broader language in the PBSA.
It is not enough to say, without more, that the amount is a small one in the grand scheme of things, as do the Salaried Members, or that another interim lender could be found without difficulty as the action proceeds.