Examples of SB Member in a sentence
In this case the Company undertakes to reimburse the SB Member for the expenses related to ensuring protection from such infringement, including payment for the costs of legal representation, unless it is at variance with the legal regulations.
The conditions for hiring and using the car are to be arranged with the SB Member in a separate contract, should the SB Member require car hire.
Should the SB Member be lawfully convicted of a criminal offence committed thereby, he/she shall reimburse the Company for the expenses incurred thereby to pay for his/her legal representation.
This does not affect the Company’s entitlement to claim damages, should the Company reasonably consider that these damages were incurred thereby in causal connection with violation of this obligation by the SB Member.
The SB Member agrees that advance for tax on this income should be deducted in the month therein the Company shall pay this insurance premium to the insurance company.
When terminating the performance of the function, or if the Company decides to withdraw from the contract of capital life insurance as the policyholder, this contract shall be transferred to the SB Member free of charge.
If it is impossible to deduct income tax, the SB Member undertakes to pay the Company advance for tax deducted from his/her income received from capital insurance paid.
Additional training and refresher components may be provided to a Provider to address issues identified by the SB, Member, and/or the EOR or at the request of the Provider.
The SB, Member Handbooks, and the EOC must include a statement that the organization contracts with the Federal government.
The SB Member undertakes to conclude this agreement with the Company within 30 calendar days as of date of payment of insurance premium, at the latest.