SCE Comment definition
Examples of SCE Comment in a sentence
The “Delivery Period” shall commence on the later of (a) the first day of the first month that begins after seventy-five (75) calendar days following CPUC Approval, and (b) [Date], and shall continue in full force and effect until [Date] {SCE Comment: The Date should be the last calendar day of the last Showing Month}, unless terminated earlier in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
Comment on Phase IV Scoping Ruling at 10; NRDC Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 7; Efficiency Council Comment on Phase IV Scoping Ruling at 10; SCE Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 7; Ecology Action Comment on Phase IV Scoping Ruling at 2; SDG&E and SoCalGas Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 13; TURN Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 13; DRA Comment on Phase IV Scoping Memo at 10; Synergy Cos.
SCE shall complete a site visit on the Demonstration Date to verify that the Generating Facility was developed in accordance with the Generating Facility and Site Description set forth in Exhibit B and to determine the Demonstrated Contract Capacity, the DER Demonstrated Contract Capacity, [the Demonstrated Installed DC Rating, and the DER Demonstrated Installed DC Rating] {SCE Comment: For DERs that are Solar Photovoltaic}.
The Expected Annual Net Energy Production for each Term Year will be the value calculated in accordance with the following formula: EXPECTED ANNUAL NET ENERGY PRODUCTION, in kWh = A x B x C [- D] {SCE Comment: For DERs with Excess-Sales Where: A = B = C = The Installed DC Rating, in kWPDC.
All electric energy produced by the Generating Facility throughout the Delivery Term, net of Station Use; [and Site Host Load] {SCE Comment: For DERs with Excess-Sales only}, all Green Attributes [associated with Qualified Amounts] {SCE Comment: For DERs with Excess-Sales only}; all Capacity Attributes; and all Resource Adequacy Benefits; generated by, associated with or attributable to the Generating Facility throughout the Delivery Term.
At all times during the Delivery Period, Seller shall post and thereafter maintain Performance Assurance in an amount equal to {SCE Comment: Performance Assurance will be calculated based on RFP Instructions.}.
All communication, metering, telemetry, and associated generation operation equipment will be centralized into the [Distributed Energy Resource Aggregation’s] {SCE Comment: For DERs} [Generating Facility’s] {SCE: Comment: For non-DER Generating Facilities} SCADA.
Seller shall post and thereafter maintain Development Security equal to {SCE Comment: Development Security will be calculated based on RFP Instructions.}.
Delivery Point The Delivery Point shall be the CAISO Scheduling Point corresponding to the CAISO Branch Group, [SCE Comment: insert Intertie Scheduling Point].
Product: All electric energy produced by the Generating Facility throughout the Delivery Term, net of Station Use; [and Site Host Load] {SCE Comment: For DERs with Excess-Sales only}, all Green Attributes [associated with Qualified Amounts] {SCE Comment: For DERs with Excess-Sales only}; all Capacity Attributes; and all Resource Adequacy Benefits; generated by, associated with or attributable to the Generating Facility throughout the Delivery Term.