Examples of Scheduling Entity in a sentence
Total Energy ObligationThe total energy Obligation for a Qualified Scheduling Entity during a Settlement Interval, including the energy from the Balanced Schedule and integrated energy of instructed Ancillary Services.
Energy may be transmitted and Ancillary Services may be provided on behalf of an Eligible Transmission Service Customer through the ERCOT System only if scheduled through a Qualified Scheduling Entity ("QSE").
The OSA is issued by ERCOT to the Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) representing the Resource.Outage Schedule Adjustment (OSA) PeriodThe portion of a Resource’s Planned Outage schedule for which ERCOT issues an OSA.
If a Scheduling Failure occurs, Gexa shall financially settle, at no additional cost or expense to Customer, with its Qualified Scheduling Entity (as defined by ERCOT) for the purchase of electricity necessary to cover the Scheduling Failure.1.3 Membership in TCAP.
Termination of ERS-only status will be effective only upon ERCOT’s written confirmation that the QSE has satisfied all creditworthiness and capitalization requirements applicable to QSEs. (8) Nothing in this section affects an ERS-only QSE’s obligation under paragraph (3) of Section 16.2.1, Criteria for Qualification as a Qualified Scheduling Entity, to provide ERCOT notice of any material change that could adversely affect the reliability or safety of the ERCOT System.
These processes include, but are not limited to, the application of Load Profiles, Data Aggregation, Data Extract Variance (DEV) resolutions, Congestion Revenue Rights (CRRs) Settlements, Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE) Settlements, invoicing and dispute resolution.
High Sustained Limit (HSL) for a Generation Resource The limit established by the Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE), continuously updated in Real-Time, that describes the maximum sustained energy production capability of the Resource.
High Sustained Limit (HSL) for a Load ResourceThe limit calculated by ERCOT, using the Qualified Scheduling Entity (QSE)-established Maximum Power Consumption (MPC).
If a Scheduling Failure occurs, Gexa shall financially settle, at no additional cost or expense to Customer, with its Qualified Scheduling Entity (as defined by ERCOT) for the purchase of electricity necessary to cover the Scheduling Failure.
In both ERCOT and CAISO, all market participants must be represented by a specific entity (a Qualified Scheduling Entity in ERCOT, or a Scheduling Coordinator in CAISO) that is financially responsible for all interactions with the market and undergoes special certification.