Examples of School jurisdiction in a sentence
Generally, Law School jurisdiction and discipline is limited to conduct which occurs on Law School premises or which adversely affects the Law School.
School jurisdiction covers the entire school day, from the time a student arrives in the morning until the school day is officially over.
School jurisdiction data not comparableThe project team attempted to obtain information from school jurisdictions on the nature and cost of various maintenance activities.
School jurisdiction extends to any activity and any place where a child is there as a Chatfield student.
At least 72 hours before a regular meeting, the Board of Directors, or its designee shall post an agenda at a physical location within the Charter School jurisdiction and on the Charter School website homepage with a direct link to the agenda, containing a brief general description of each item of business to be transacted or discussed at the meeting.
In accordance with the Brown Act, special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held only after twenty-four (24) hours notice is given to the public through the posting of an agenda at a physical location within the Charter School jurisdiction and on the Charter School website homepage with a direct link to the agenda.
School jurisdiction shall include, but not be limited to school property, property as described in Section 97-37-17 of the 1972 Mississippi Code, buses, extra-curricular activities located at another school, or any school sponsored activity regardless of its location.
ARTICLE III - JURISDICTION OF THE LAW SCHOOL Generally, Law School jurisdiction and discipline is limited to conduct which occurs on Law School premises or which adversely affects the Law School.
The School jurisdiction is a member of the Supplemental Integrated Pension Plan.
School jurisdiction shall include, but not be limited to school property, property as describe in Section 97-37-17 of the 1972 Mississippi Code, buses, extra-curricular activities located at another school, or any school sponsored activity regardless of its location.