Scientific evidence definition

Scientific evidence means the results of controlled clinical trials or other studies published in peer-reviewed, medical literature generally recognized by the relevant medical specialty community.
Scientific evidence means information furnishing a level of proof based on the established and accepted methods of science;
Scientific evidence means controlled clinical trials that either directly or indirectly demonstrate the effect of the intervention on health outcomes. However, if controlled clinical trials are not available, observational studies that demonstrate a causal relationship between the intervention and health outcomes may be used. Partially controlled observational studies and uncontrolled clinical series may be considered to be suggestive, but shall not by themselves be considered to demonstrate a causal relationship unless the magnitude of the effect observed exceeds anything that could be explained either by the natural history of the medical condition or potential experimental biases.

Examples of Scientific evidence in a sentence

  • Scientific evidence suggests that college students living in dormitory facilities are at a moderately increased risk of contracting meningococcal disease and immunization against meningococcal disease will decrease the risk of the disease.

  • Scientific evidence suggests that college students living in dormitory facilities are at a modestly increased risk of contracting meningococcal disease.

  • Document TC 10.24 List of AEWA species using terrestrial habitats WG1 Decision: Scientific evidence is needed in order to be able to assess the impact of lead poisoning of waterbirds in ecosystems other than wetlands; it was decided to wait until after the CMS COP10 to see if a study on this subject could be included in the framework of recommendations on the poisoning of migratory waterbirds.

  • No work done but highly recommended Measure Scientific evidence for effectiveness in pelagic fisheries Caveats /Notes Need for combination Research needs Minimum standards / Recommendation principles are directly transferrable to trawl and other net fisheries.

  • Measure Scientific evidence for effectiveness in pelagic fisheries Caveats /Notes Need for combination Research needs Minimum standards/ Recommendation Net cleaning Removal from nets of all fish ‗stickers‘ and other material is a critical step to reducing net entanglement during shooting (Xxxxxx et al 2003; Xxxxxxxx et al 2010 submitted).

More Definitions of Scientific evidence

Scientific evidence means controlled clinical trials that either directly or indirectly demonstrate the effect of the intervention on health outcomes. If controlled clinical trials are not available, observational studies that demonstrate a causal relationship between the intervention and the health outcomes may be used. Partially controlled observational studies and uncontrolled clinical series may be suggestive, but do not by themselves demonstrate a causal relationship unless the magnitude of the effect observed exceeds anything that could be explained either by the natural history of the medical condition or potential experimental biases. Scientific evidence may be found in the following and similar sources:
Scientific evidence means scientific documents and information from researches accepted by competent authorities or published in Vietnamese or foreign academic journals or articles about traditional medicine in academic prints.
Scientific evidence means evidence that is logically derived from controlled experiments designed, conducted and reported according to the scientific method, using relevant experi- mental and statistical analytical procedures that are generally rec- ognized and defensible as valid and appropriate among peers in the relevant scientific community. Testimonials are not “scien- tific evidence.”
Scientific evidence means geologic, geophysical, geochemical and hydrologic information.
Scientific evidence means controlled clinical trials that either directly or indirectly demonstrate the effect of the intervention on health outcomes. If controlled clinical trials are not available, observational studies that demonstrate a causal relationship between the intervention and the health outcomes may be used.
Scientific evidence consists primarily of controlled clinical trials that either directly or indirectly demonstrate the effect of the intervention on health outcomes. If controlled clinical trials are not available, observational studies that demonstrate a causal relationship between the intervention and health outcomes can be used. Partially controlled observational studies and uncontrolled clinical series may be suggestive. These do not by themselves demonstrate a causal relationship unless the magnitude of the effect observed exceeds anything that could be explained either by (a) the natural history of the medical condition, or (b) potential experimental biases. New interventions for which clinical trials have not been conducted because of epidemiological reasons (i.e., rare or new diseases or orphan populations) shall be evaluated on the basis of professional standards of care or expert opinion.
Scientific evidence means controlled clinical trials that either directly or indirectly demonstrate the effect of the