Script definition
Examples of Script in a sentence
All rights in a Story Outline remain vested in the Writer until such time as the BBC commissions the Script based on the Story Outline from the Writer.
The BBC shall use its best endeavours to inform the Writer within eight weeks from delivery whether a commissioned Story Outline is suitable for development as a Script, failing which the BBC shall be deemed to have decided against such development.
If a Videogram includes material by more than one writer the Writer’s entitlement to royalties shall be such proportionate share as the Script bears to the total number of Scripts included in the Videogram or such lesser amount as the Writer may agree if such Scripts are the same duration.
However, the BBC undertakes in good faith to notify the Writer if no active development is taking place two years after Acceptance and the Writer may request the Script be put into early turnaround.
The Writer will be required not to disclose the contents of that Story Outline to a third party during any period in which the BBC is entitled to commission the Script.