Seclusion room definition
Examples of Seclusion room in a sentence
R 400.4160 Seclusion rooms; department approval required Interpretation Seclusion room means a room or space used to confine a resident that may be locked, unlocked or unlockable.
If there is an intermittent alarm, seclusion should be maintained with staff immediately ready to unlock the door• The patient should be informed that evacuation is not currently necessary, but will become so if the alarm sound changes from intermittent to continuous• Should it be necessary to evacuate the ward, efforts should be made to transfer the patient to the Seclusion room on the neighbouring Ward.
Local risk registers now in place.Care planning – changes to RIO in NovemberHealth Seclusion room – Refurbishment starting in December 2016 Lone working operational policy changed.
Seclusion room is a room or other confined area, used on an individual basis, in which a student is removed from the regular classroom setting for a limited time to allow the student the opportunity to regain control in a private setting and from which the student is involuntarily prevented from leaving.
If a Seclusion room is utilized, the client must be immediately released upon request.