Second Borrower definition
Examples of Second Borrower in a sentence
On 27 October 2014, the Lender entered into the Second Loan Agreement with the Second Borrower, pursuant to which the Lender has agreed to provide a loan with principal amount of up to HK$53,000,000 to the Second Borrower in accordance with the terms thereunder.
Subject to the Lender’s overriding right of repayment on demand, the Second Borrower shall repay the Second Loan in full in one lump sum together with all interest accrued thereon and all other monies payable under the Second Loan Agreement on the Second Repayment Date.
Prior to 27 October 2014, the Lender entered into the Previous Loan Agreements with the Second Borrower and his associate which have been duly repaid in part as at the date of this announcement.
The amount of trench open in advance or left open after pipe laying shall be limited to the length that can be backfilled within the same day.
The term of the Second Loan shall be for a fixed term of 12 months from the date of actual receipt of the advance by the Second Borrower.
On 26 June 2019, the Lender entered into the Second Loan Agreement with the Second Borrower, pursuant to which the Lender agreed to grant the Second Loan in the principal amount of HK$5,000,000 to the Second Borrower from 26 June 2019 to 24 June 2020 at an interest rate of 10% per annum.
The First Sale Agreement and the Second Sale Agreement were entered into between the relevant NAS Seller and the Existing Lessor (in its capacity as trustee under the relevant Trust for the benefit of the First Borrower and the Second Borrower respectively) on 2 October 2013.
Date : 27 October 2014 Parties : the Lender and the Second Borrower The Second Borrower is an individual, and to the best of the knowledge, information and belief of the Directors and having made all reasonable enquiries, the Second Borrower is an Independent Third Party.
Any such intercreditor agreement must be in form and substance reasonably satisfactory to all parties thereto and shall be entered into on the date of consummation of the purchase and sale of Loans of the applicable Second Borrower.
Subject to certain conditions as set out in the Second Loan Agreement, including but not limited to (i) the Second Share Mortgage being duly executed by the Second Borrower in favour of the Lender; and (ii) the Lender receiving such collaterals in the form and substance acceptable to the Lender, as may be required by the Lender at its absolute discretion, the Lender shall have absolute discretion as to whether to make available any sum for drawdown under the Second Loan Agreement.