Examples of Second Half in a sentence
First Half: Second Half: Once this performance rating is complete, please return the form to the University Faculty Member at the end of each teaching experience.
I/We understand that the Tourism Grant Review Committee will require a Second Half Reporting form (if applicable), Final Reporting form, Grant Expenditure form, copies of all expenditure invoices, proof of payment for all expenditures, and copies of materials produced for advertising and printed material, before and after photographs if applicable to verify the expenditure of any grant funds received, and I/We agree to furnish said documentation according to reporting dead-lines.
First Half: Second Half: The University has the authority to suspend or terminate a Student Teacher Candidate's experience for unsatisfactory performance at any stage of his/her internship.
The aggregate of the First Half Fiscal 2014 Retention Bonus and the Second Half Fiscal 2014 Retention Bonus are together referred to herein as the “Total Fiscal 2014 Retention Bonus”.
The most recent period (First Half Average or Second Half Average) will be used - the rate for this period will be divided by the rate from the same period of the previous year.
By the first day of second semester of each school year, the Board shall provide the Association President with an up-to-date list, to minimally include the following: Date of hire, dates of unpaid leaves of absence, certification(s) held, major(s)/minor(s) and tenure or probationary status.
In out-of-body experiences, subjects usually report that they seem to be above their physical bodies, and they typically describe feelings of rising rapidly, floating, and flying horizontally.
Completion of the sale is expected to occur in Second Half 2015 and is subject to the parties obtaining necessary statutory, regulatory and third party approvals.
Subject to Section 1.3, if the Company never achieves a minimum of $32 million of net sales for any quarter in 2003, then the Second Half Bonus shall be forever forfeited by Executive and the Company shall have no obligation to pay the Second Half Bonus.
Second Half (50 marks)(Subject: Industrial Visit)Note: ‘Industrial Visit/s’ (1 or 2 visits for a total duration of 4 days) will be arranged by the Department.