Examples of Regulation Time in a sentence
Consumers working with a financial professional generally feel better prepared, and this pattern is even more 1 KPMG, Evolving Insurance Regulation, Time to get ahead, February 2012.
Julin, Confronting Online Privacy Regulation: Time to Defend the First Amendment, WLF LEGAL BACKGROUNDER (May 27, 2016).
Compliance Timeline for ELDT Regulation Time Required for Start by Date forELDT Compliance Task Completion Compliance byFebruary 7, 2022Review organizational structure needs for potentialadjustments or hiringUp to 6 months Ensure 49 CFR §380.709, 49 CFR §380.711 and49 CFR §380.713 are met Appendix C provides a high-level, two-page fact sheet for ELDT training provider compliance.
Regulations on China’s outward FDIArea Regulation Time of promulgationApproval Provisions on the Examination and Approval of Investment to Run Enterprise Abroad (MOFCOM).
The concept of dark patterns was introduced into the discourse by Brignull in 2010 and describes design patterns within any kind of user interface that “trick users into things they wouldn’t otherwise have done” [1].
Regulation: Time and play is stopped after a penalty corner is awarded and re-started when the teams are ready.
A letter from the Chief Acquisition Officer, General Services Administration, transmitting the Administration’s final rule — Federal Acquisition Regulation; Time- and-Materials and Labor-Hour Contracts for Commercial Items [FAC 2005-55; FAR Case 2009-43; Item IV; Docket 2010-0100, Sequence 1] (RIN: 9000-AL74) received January 10, 2012, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to the Com- mittee on Oversight and Government Re- form.
Andrew Jones (TWR #138, August 15, 2015) Klamath Basin Regulation: Time Immemorial Instream Rights of Tribes Protected (TWR #139, Water Briefs: Sept.
Stevenson, The Future Of Nursing Home Regulation: Time For A Conversation?, HEALTH AFFS.
Summary of Additional Federal and State Health Information Technology (HIT) Regulation Time Lines Table 3 shows additional important health information technology (HIT) deadlines in federal and state regulations pertaining to clinical data exchange.