The Referee Sample Clauses
The Referee. The Referee shall have such powers and rights as are reasonably necessary to discharge his or her duties and obligations.
The Referee. (a) is an independent consultant and is not, and must not purport to be, a partner, joint venture party or agent of either Party;
(b) other than as expressly set out in this Referee Agreement or the Design Build Agreement, has no authority to give any directions to a Party or its officers, directors, members, employees, contractors, consultants or agents; and
(c) has no authority to waive or alter any terms of the Design Build Agreement, nor to discharge or release a party from any of its obligations under the Design Build Agreement unless jointly agreed by the Parties in writing.
The Referee. (a) must not assign, transfer, mortgage, charge or encumber any right or obligation under this Referee Agreement without the prior written consent of the Parties, which each Party may give or withhold in its absolute discretion; and
(b) agrees that any assignment, transfer, mortgage, charge or encumbrance will not operate to release or discharge the Referee from any obligation or liability under this Referee Agreement.
The Referee. Never use foul or abusive language toward and of the game officials (referee or assistant referee). The coach and team captain(s) are in control of the game. Each game official is just as different as the field the game is played on. Keep this in mind. A parent has never overruled a referee and never will. • The Laws: In order to be a supportive parent you must have an understanding of the primary laws of the game. Familiarize yourself with the basics; offside, penal fouls and non-penal fouls.
The Referee. Never use foul or abusive language toward any of the referees; center or linesmen. The coach and team captain(s) are the only ones who can and should speak to a referee. Each referee is just as different as the field the game is played on. Also remember, most referees at our home fields are either current or prior DDYSC players so they are still a part of the DDYSC family. Please keep this in mind if they make a call you do not agree with. A player, coach, or parent has never overruled a referee and never will.
The Referee. The Referee shall have such powers and rights as are reasonably necessary to discharge her duty and obligation to finally decide all reviews of the Administrator’s decisions arising under the Plan in a summary manner.
The Referee. 34.1. The Customer confirms that in cases where the Customer is represented to the company by a third party, such as a business advisor, partner, or affiliate organization (here in after–»the Referee», the Company shall not be liable for the actions, statements of the or accuracy,completeness or correctness of any advertising or marketing material provided by the Referee or any other third party, even if they are supplied on behalf of the Company or if such impression is given,and that the Company is not bound by any separate agreements concluded between the Customer and the Referee.
34.2. The Customer agrees and confirms that its arrangements or relations with the Referee may result in additional costs, as the Company may have obligations to the Referee to pay its fees. If such commissions are payable, the Customer shall be notified in accordance with Applicable regulations.
The Referee. The Court will appoint the Referee with such powers and rights as are reasonably necessary to discharge the duties and responsibilities set out in the Agreement including those set
The Referee. 4.1 will be entitled in his discretion to make enquiries and/or to obtain evidence and/or to accept further submissions from the Parties;
4.2 will be entitled to consult attorneys, advocates or any other expert in respect of any matter he considers expedient;
4.3 will make a ruling in his discretion in respect of the admissibility, relevancy, and importance of evidence, whether oral or written;
4.4 will, should the agreement be vague or imperfect regarding a substantive issue relating to the dispute, interpret the agreement in such a manner so as to give effect to the general purpose of the Parties as he understands it in the context of the agreement, and which is fair to the parties in the applicable circumstances;
4.5 will announce his ruling within 14 (fourteen) days after it has been requested in terms of clause 1, also taking into account the urgency of the matter in dispute;
4.6 will appoint the party responsible for his costs and that of any consulted expert and that party will pay such costs;
4.7 will act as expert and not as arbitrator.
The Referee. 34.1. The Customer confirms that in cases where the Customer is represented to the company by a third party, such as a business advisor, partner, or affiliate organization (here in after–»the Referee», the Company shall not be liable for the actions, statements of the or accuracy,completeness or correctness of any advertising or marketing material provided by the Referee or any other third party, even if they are supplied on behalf of the Company or if such impression is given,and that the Company is not bound by any separate agreements concluded between the Customer and the Referee.
34.2. The Customer agrees and confirms that its arrangements or relations with the Referee may result in additional costs, as the Company may have obligations to the Referee to pay its fees. If such commissions are payable, the Customer shall be notified in accordance with Applicable regulations. намеренного выведения из строя или грубой небрежности, за любые убытки, издержки или расходы, понесенные Клиентом и являю- щиеся следствием неточности или ошибки в такой информации.