Examples of Secretarial Certificate in a sentence
In the case of institutional clients, certification may also be done by way of a Secretarial Certificate.
Dates don’t match between contract and Secretarial Certificate or Resolution: If a document indicates when contract was signed, date contract was actually signed must match.
The other three subjects in each year of the course are the same subjects as for the accounting or administration diploma.This Diploma will entitle the holder to Associate Member- ship in the Institute of Private Secretaries (Aust.).Girls should note that this College has ceased to offer the Secretarial Certificate.
The parties will require to be satisfied that the person signing off on the Authorisation is duly authorised – where, for example, the Format is that of a Statement, Secretarial Certificate or a Power of Attorney given by an Officer(s) of the Institution as distinct from such a Format given under the Seal of an Institution as in Common Law countries.
A photocopy of such a Power of Attorney or a Statement of a Corporate Officer, a Secretarial Certificate or a Power of Attorney given by an Officer(s) of the Institution will also often require further verification.
Authorisations may be contained in several diverse Formats, some more relevant than others – Powers of Attorney, Directors’ Resolutions, Statement issued by a Chief Executive, Secretarial Certificate.
After her thirty year marriage ended, Mavon used her inherited strength and courage to go back to school at Snow College where she received a Secretarial Certificate.
Lastly, MuniGas requires a Resolution and Secretarial Certificate authorizing and verifying the execution of Purchase Contract, Supplier Addendum, and Participant Addendum.
The other three subjects in each year are the same subjects as for the Accounting and Data ProcessingDiplomas.It should be noted that this College has ceased to offer the Secretarial Certificate.
He shall be required to make an Annual Report at the Annual Meeting.