Examples of Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka in a sentence
Units can be issued and redeemed based on the Fund’s net asset value per unit, calculated by dividing the net assets of the Fund as described in the Trust Deed and directives issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka, by the number of units in issue.
It is guided by the Code of Best Practice of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, the requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka and the Colombo Stock Exchange.
In accordance with the Takeovers and Mergers Code of the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka, the Company made a mandatory offer to the remaining shareholders of CTF to acquire the remaining 9,144,645 ordinary voting shares held by such shareholders in CTF at an offer price of LKR 28.70 per share.
Interpretations of the Board of Directors or any Committee thereof, or their designee(s) shall be final and binding subject to an appeal to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka and such appeal shall be made within 7 days.
He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, U.K. Mr.F. Mohideen, a Non-Executive, Independent Director of CCPLC, was a former Deputy Secretary to the Treasury and a former Director of Bank of Ceylon and Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka.
All Non-Executive Directors satisfies the criteria for independence as specified in the Standards on Corporate Governance for listed Companies issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka.
Accordingly, the Company has made an application to the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka on 1st December 2015 requesting an extension to maintain the Minimum Public Holding of the Company below the required Levels till 31st December 2017 and informing the Action Plan of the Company.
Unitholders’ funds have been calculated as the difference between the carrying amounts of the assets and the carrying amounts of the liabilities, other than those due to unitholders as at the reporting date.Units can be issued and redeemed based on the Fund’s net asset value per unit, calculated by dividing the net assets of the Fund as described in the Trust Deed and directives issued by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka, by the number of units in issue.
Insider dealing is an offence under the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka Act No.36 of 1987 as amended.As per the rule 8.6 of the CSE Listing Rules connected parties should not trade on the basis of price sensitive information that has not been disclosed to the public.
Formal publication of the Code of Best Practice on Corporate Governance Rules issued jointly by the Securities and Exchange Commission of Sri Lanka (SEC) and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of (CA Sri Lanka) Sri Lanka is considered a strong gesture to strengthen transparency, accountability and disclosure of the Group’s business practices.The Company is committed towards its corporate values and adheres to the Code of Best Practice on Corporate Governance.