Examples of Securities Information Processor in a sentence
The term “NBBO” means the national best bid or offer as calculated by the Exchange based on market information received by the Exchange from the appropriate Securities Information Processor (“SIP”).
Under the revenue sharing provision of the UTP Plan, we are permitted to deduct costs associated with acting as the exclusive Securities Information Processor from the total amount of tape fees collected.
The consolidated feed is managed by a Securities Information Processor (“SIP”), so consolidated data is sometimes referred to as “SIP data.”Exchanges have also developed various market data products that they sell directly to subscribers.
The FINRA/Nasdaq TRF receives revenue for transactions reported to the three tapes 5 from the Consolidated Tape Association and Nasdaq Securities Information Processor (the ‘‘Tapes’’).
PDQ uses market data provided by the SIP (Securities Information Processor).
Please see Vendor Alert 2014-5 for moreinformation.DIRECT ACCESSFor UTP Level 1 Information, "Direct Access" means a connection that receives access to any one or more UTP Level 1 Real-Time Data Feeds by means of a linkage or interface directly with the Plan’s Securities Information Processor (SIP) via an extranet or other connection that the SIP has approved.
In the role as the Securities Information Processor, The NASDAQ Stock Market collects and disseminates quotation and last sale information for all transactions in NASDAQ-listed securities whether traded on The NASDAQ Stock Market or other exchanges.
Market participants have free choice over which TRF they report to: any NMS security from any tape can be reported to any of the three TRFs.In turn, the TRF reports the off-exchange trade to the Securities Information Processor (SIP).
The NSX informed the UTP Securities Information Processor (‘‘UTP SIP’’) that, subject to regulatory approval, it is projecting to reactivate its status as an operating participant for quotation and trading of Nasdaq-listed securities under the Unlisted Trading Privileges (‘‘UTP’’) Plan on or about August 31, 2015.
To act as a Securities Information Processor for quotations and transaction information related to securities traded on NYSE Market and other trading facilities operated by NYSE Market.