Examples of Security Deeds in a sentence
Ai sensi delle condizioni del Trust Instrument, il Trustee agisce come trustee per i Detentori dei Titoli sia per (a) per effettuare decisioni ed esercitare diritti in base ai Gold Buillon Securities (b) a tenere in custodia per i Detentori di Titoli la garanzia concessa dall'Emittente ai sensi dei Security Deeds, di esercitare qualsiasi diritto, di far rispettare lo stesso e di distribuire i proventi (dopo il pagamento di tutti gli importi dovuti al Trustee) ai Detentori di Titoli (tra gli altri).
The Offeror has entered into the Facility Agreement under which the Offeror is required to and has entered into, amongst others, the Security Deeds in favour of GF Securities.
Ms. Griego is a Georgetown University graduate and has worked 15 years in healthcare and finance.
The Trust Instrument and the Security Deeds are governed by English law.
The Energy Securities are constituted by a Trust Instrument between the Issuer and The Law Debenture Trust Corporation p.l.c. as trustee for the Security Holders of each class and are secured by the Security Deeds, as set out in Part 7 (Particulars of the Energy Securities) under the heading “The Security Deeds”.