Examples of Security record in a sentence
For example: AGE may be verified by birth certificate, baptismal record, family Bible, census record, marriage certificate, court record, Social Security record, military record or discharge, immigration document, insurance policy, DISABILITY may be verified by physician's certificate, Social Security document, New Jersey Commission for Blind certificate.
Transition may or may not also include medical and legal aspects, including taking hormones, having surgery, or changing identity documents (e.g. driver's license, Social Security record) to reflect one's gender identity.
The SSA em- ployee checks Mr. Adams’ Social Security record and advises him that he is ineligible for SSI benefits based on the amount of his monthly Social Security benefit.
TPSSh and revTPSSh do not include a su cient amount of HF exchange as shown by the reduced errors of TPSS0 with 25% of exchange instead of 10%.
In the event that consistent with Article 5, benefits are payable for a death after policy termination, and the Ceding Company is unable to obtain a death certificate, other proof of death, such as a Social Security record, is acceptable.