Lead contractor means a person who has met the Board's requirements and has been issued a
Approved Contractor means an “Approved Contractor” specified in the Key Details.
Bidder/Contractor means the interested Firm/ Company/ Supplier/ Distributors that may provide or provides related Equipment/Services to any of the public/private sector organization under the contract and have registered for the relevant business thereof.
Designated Contract Representative(s) means those individual(s) designated by the Contractor on the Pre-Work form during the Pre-Work Conference.
Contractor means the Party selected to provide the goods or Services to the State under this Contract.
Supplier/Contractor means the individual, firm or company with whom the contract has been concluded for supplying the Goods and Services under the Contract. The Supplier/Contractor shall be deemed to include its successors (approved by the purchaser), representatives, heirs, executors, administrators and permitted;
Subcontractor means any person, private or government entity, or a combination of the above, to whom any part of the Goods to be supplied or execution of any part of the Related Services is subcontracted by the Supplier.
Supplier/Contractor means the individual, firm or company with whom the contract has been concluded for supplying the Goods and Services under the Contract. The Supplier/Contractor shall be deemed to include its successors (approved by the purchaser), representatives, heirs, executors, administrators and permitted;
Reporting Subcontractor means with respect to any Person, any Subcontractor for such Person that is “participating in the servicing function” within the meaning of Item 1122 of Regulation AB. References to a Reporting Subcontractor shall refer only to the Subcontractor of such Person and shall not refer to Subcontractors generally.
Replacement Contractor means any third party service provider appointed by the Authority to supply any services which are substantially similar to any of the Services and which the Authority receives in substitution for any of the Services following the expiry, termination or partial termination of the Contract.
Bidder/Contractor means the interested Firm/ Company/ Supplier/ Distributors that may provide or provides related Equipment/Services to any of the public/private sector organization under the contract and have registered for the relevant business thereof.
Third Party Contractor as used in the Student Data Protection Act and “Operator” as used in COPPA. De-Identified Information (DII): De-Identification refers to the process by which the Contractor removes or obscures any Personally Identifiable Information (“PII”) from Education Records in a way that removes or minimizes the risk of disclosure of the identity of the individual and information about them.
Specialty contractor means a person who is licensed to conduct business as described in subsection 4 of NRS 624.215.
Contracted Services means covered services that are to be provided by the Contractor under the terms of this Contract.
Subcontractor employee, as used in this clause, means any officer, partner, employee, or agent of a subcontractor.
Contractor Personnel means Contractor’s employees and subcontractors (as well as any employees or subcontractors of those subcontractors) performing the Services.
Supplier Personnel means Supplier’s employees, consultants, agents, independent contractors and Subcontractors.
Approved Servicer shall have the meaning assigned to such term in the definition of “Qualified Institutional Lender.”
Related Contract means: (i) in relation to the SwapClear Service, a RelatedSwapClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (ii) in relation to the RepoClear Service, a Related RepoClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (iii) in relation to the ForexClear Service, a Related ForexClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (iv) in relation to the EquityClear Service, a Related EquityClear Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures); (v) in relation to the Listed Interest Rates Service, a Related Listed Interest Rates Contract (as such term is defined in the Procedures)"Relevant Auction Contract"has the meaning given to the term in the Client Clearing Annex"Relevant Business"has the meaning as described in Default Rule 15(c)"Relevant Client Clearing Business"means the Client Clearing Business conducted by a particular Clearing Member in a particular Service"Relevant Contract"has the meaning assigned to it in the Client Clearing Annex"Relevant Default"has the meaning ascribed to it in Rule S1 of Part A of the Rates Service Default Fund Supplement - SwapClear, Rule F2 of the ForexClear Default Fund Supplement or Rule R2 of the RepoClear Default Fund Supplement, as applicable"Relevant FX Amounts"means, in respect of a ForexClear Option Clearing Member and a day, all amounts that are due to be received by such ForexClear Option Clearing Member on such day under a ForexClear Option Contract, ForexClear Swap Contract, ForexClear Deliverable Forward Contract and/or ForexClear Spot Contract in any ForexClear Currency"Relevant FX Liability"has the meaning assigned to it in Regulation 101"re-opening contract"means a contract arising pursuant to Regulation 30(b) or 30(c)"RepoClear Additional Payments Cap"means, in respect of a RCM on any date, an amount equal to the Clearing Member Current Collateral Balance of that RCM in connection with its RepoClear Business as at the date of the Default causing losses leading to an Insufficient Resources Determination (or, where such an Insufficient Resources Determination is made following concurrent Defaults, the date of the earliest Default)"RepoClear Business"means any transaction, obligation or liability arising out of any Fixed Income Contract
Contractor Representative means any of the following:
Service contract holder or "contract holder" means a person
Contractors means the bidder whose bid has been accepted by the COE;
O&M Contractor means the person, if any, with whom the Concessionaire has entered into an O&M Contract for discharging O&M obligations for and on behalf of the Concessionaire;
Sub-Contractor means the person named in the Contract for any part of the works or any person to whom any part of the contract has been sublet by the contractor with the consent in writing of the Engineer-in-charge and will include the legal representatives, successors and permitted assigns of such persons.
Payment Initiation Service Provider or “PISP” means an authorised third party provider which provides a service that allows that third party to pass payment instructions to us on your behalf in relation to your Account.
Subcontractors means subcontractors of any tier.