Seller Agreement definition
Examples of Seller Agreement in a sentence
On expiry of a Biomethane Seller Agreement, the Network Owner must notify Energinet accord- ingly as soon as possible.
On expiry of a Biomethane Seller Agreement, the Network Owner must notify Energinet ac- cordingly as soon as possible.
Not later than 3 Business Days after conclusion or termination of a Bi- omethane Seller Agreement, the Network Owner must inform Energinet accordingly.
Any replacement Unit shipped by us under these Service Terms will be deemed to be, and will be treated in the same manner as, an order and sale of such Unit from you to the customer via the applicable Amazon Site in accordance with the Business Solutions Agreement, the APE User Agreement and/or the APUK User Agreement, and your Seller Agreement, and will be subject to all terms and conditions applicable thereto.
The Network Owner must send status information about Biomethane Seller Agreements in the Register of Players to Energinet no later than 3 Business Days after conclusion or termination of a Biomethane Seller Agreement.