Examples of Semester credit hour in a sentence
We should state that the view that high leverage makes firms weaker competitors in the product markets is not unanimous in the theoretical literature.
Regular statement savings account statements will be issued at least quarterly.
Semester credit hour completion rate The maximum time frame is divided into increments of one academic year for the purpose of determining completion rate.
As of August 12 Fall Semester credit hour production is 11,331 and -6% lower than the same period in 2018. Student headcount is 927 and -5% compared to the same period in 2018. EduKan credit hour production is 1,655 which is equal to the same period in 2018. College Start/High School enrollment is 1,051 credit hours, a -1% decrease over the same period last year.
CBM008 Faculty Report ranks 1-6 and tenure/tenure-track faculty; Semester credit hour data comes from the CBM004 Class Report.