Examples of Direct instruction in a sentence
Direct instruction and mentoring targets are based on the full allocation of faculty resources.
Direct instruction includes instruction presented in a classroom, seminar, workshop, lecture, colloquium, laboratory, tutorial, or other physical learning settings consistent with the mission, purposes, and objectives of the institution.
Direct instruction with special education students: A review of evaluation research.
Direct instruction, video tutorials and online help forums will be utilized.
Instruction.(a) Instruction shall be the central focus of the resources and services of the institution.(b) The institution shall document that the instruction offered leads to the achievement of the learning objectives of each course.(2)(c) Direct instruction requires the physical presence of one or more students and one or more faculty members at the same location.
This includes:● Direct instruction and lecture● Teaching models● Problem solving● Inquiry Based Investigation● Demonstration, explanation and teacher-facilitated discussions,● Cooperative learning groups● Socratic Seminar and Class Discussion● Student practice materials.
Direct instruction (lectures) and simulation labs are used in this course to introduce fundamental concepts related to Operative Dentistry.
Direct instruction in new health and safety expectations will be provided to students with disabilities who need direction above and beyond what is provided for all students.
Direct instruction can either be face-to-face or via distance education that is provided by UofL instructors.
Direct instruction is used to teach students information, facts and fundamental skills.