SENATOR XXXXXXXX. You said the other day, 19Z. I don' t doubt that. I don't question that. SENATOR XXXXXXXX: Xxxx, how much, again, now did you say was available for prizes? 4900,000, is that right2 SENATOR XXXXXXXX: No, that is what had been paid in prize expense. SENATOR XXXXXXXX: Okay, $900,000 has been paid. SENATOR XXXXXXXX: Right. 4442,543 is now the balance... there 1s actually a cash balance right now, since thev have closed their books, the net balance on hand is 4266,028 which will be distributed, either in prize money or to pay off any small stuff that they have got 1n the way of bills coming in.
SENATOR XXXXXXXX. But here is the q u e s t i on I ' m a skin g y ou . As' ume t he existence of oral agreements because I don't want to g et into that as an a rgum e n t , t hz s s ec t i on s ay s t ha t t h e
SENATOR XXXXXXXX. Members of the Legislature, these people came down here at the last minute and @ave Senator Xxxxxxxx and Senator Xxxxxxx these figures and I can understand him not finding exactly on an instance notice where these figures are that I was asking him about because they hadn't gotten the figures to him.

Examples of SENATOR XXXXXXXX in a sentence

  • SENATOR XXXXXXXX: I was answering your question...your philosophy and statement that they do not hire Catholics.

  • SENATOR XXXXXXXX: Other firms hire more Protestants than Catholics.

  • SENATOR XXXXXXXX: I was merely showing that somefirms hire a bigger percent of Catholics than they do Protestants.

More Definitions of SENATOR XXXXXXXX

SENATOR XXXXXXXX. Mr. President, members o f th e b o dy , o n April the 13th during the debate on 343 I made r eference t o an agreement between Nebraska Cooperative Council President, Xxxxxx Xxxxxxxx, and the other parties 1nvolved. I a l l e g e d an understanding had been reached and somebody changed their mind. I would like to put into the record that Xx. Xxxxxxxx did not break h1s word or change his mind. There was at least three agreements made and signed by one side or the other and all the parties did not sign any of them. T herefore , I wish the record to show 1f I left the wrong impression perta1ning to the integrity of Xx. Xxxxxxxx on this body or anyone outside of this body, I hereby apologize and am sorry the incident happened. Thank you, Mr. Xxxxxxxxx. SPEAKER XXXXXX: Senator Xxxxxx.
SENATOR XXXXXXXX. How much interest was paid to the promoters for the money they 1nvested'? SENATOR QOODRICH: Interest on...this 1s revenue. Prom the other day, you indicated 12'land we got some figures back here that indicated that. SENATOR XXXXXXXX: Okay, while you are looking at that...
SENATOR XXXXXXXX. It's an agreement made in advance about how something is going to be done. SENATOR Dw. XXXXXXXX: Yes. SENATOR XXXXXXXX: So...all right. And that's all that I have to ask you at this point. Members of the Legislature, I'm opposed to granting anything to the courts in addition to what they have, I want to make that clear from the beginning. I am not a part of Senator Xxxxxxxx and Senator Xxxxxxxx and the twenty-something other senators' deal. Never am I swayed by the number of people who can be persuaded to go along with something in advance, and they must all have been told that there's something in it for them or their district. So we're dealing with a political issue here and not really something that's in the best interest of the judiciary or the public. Now Senator Xxxxxxxx is not able to say this, because he doesn't want to distract you with other matters, but those who have observed the Xxxxxxx County District Court and County Court recognize that those judges don't work what are considered to be full days. SPEAKER KRISTENSEN: One minute.
SENATOR XXXXXXXX. We thank you for your support. I not i c e d you changed from not voting to vot1ng after I think it was 25, we thank you fo r y o u r su p port a n y way. This' 5 a federal
SENATOR XXXXXXXX. But we don't do that with reference to farms,... SPEAKER KRISTENSEN: No.
SENATOR XXXXXXXX. But that is a deal, isn't it? SENATOR Dw. XXXXXXXX: Okay.
SENATOR XXXXXXXX. But that's all that could be done is to " .ise a defense. And if the award were set aside, then you'd have to go to court. Isthat right, or you'd go back to arbitration again?