Sensitive materials definition
Examples of Sensitive materials in a sentence
Defendant, the legal defense team, and authorized persons shall not copy or reproduce the Sensitive or Highly Sensitive materials except in order to provide copies of the materials for use in connection with this case by Defendant, the legal defense team, the person to whom the Sensitive or Highly Sensitive information solely and directly pertains or his/her counsel, and other persons to whom the Court may authorize disclosure (collectively, “authorized persons”).
Sensitive materials must be maintained in the custody and control of Defendant, the legal defense team, and authorized persons.
If Defendant takes notes regarding Highly Sensitive materials, counsel or an attorney, investigator, paralegal, or support staff person employed by defense counsel must take reasonable steps to determine whether Defendant has copied any personal identity information as identified in Rule 49.1 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure or any telephone numbers, email addresses, driver’s license numbers, and similar unique identifying information.
No Sensitive or Highly Sensitive materials, or the information contained therein, may be disclosed to any persons other than Defendant, the legal defense team, or the person to whom the Sensitive or Highly Sensitive information solely and directly pertains or his/her counsel, without agreement of the United States or prior authorization from the Court.
The procedures for use of designated Sensitive and Highly Sensitive materials during any hearing or the trial of this matter shall be determined by the parties and the Court in advance of the hearing or trial.
If defense counsel provides Defendant access to Sensitive or Highly Sensitive materials, defense counsel must advise Defendant that Defendant may not record any personal identity information as identified in Rule 49.1 of the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure or any telephone numbers, email addresses, driver’s license numbers, and similar unique identifying information.
Highly Sensitive materials must be maintained in the custody and control of the legal defense team and authorized persons.
Copies and reproductions, and any notes or records made in relation to the contents of the Sensitive and Highly Sensitive materials, are to be treated in the same manner as the original materials.
Defense counsel must provide a copy of this Order to, and review the terms of this Order with, members of the legal defense team, Defendant, and any other person, before providing them access to Sensitive or Highly Sensitive materials.
Defense counsel must obtain a fully executed copy of Attachment A before providing Defendant access to Sensitive or Highly Sensitive materials, and must file a copy with the Court within one week of execution.