Examples of Service and Installation Rules in a sentence
In the event that a supply is not provided the applicant shall provide a written undertaking to Powercor Australia Ltd that prospective purchasers will be so informed.• Where buildings or other installations exist on the land to be subdivided and are connected to the electricity supply, they shall be brought into compliance with the Service and Installation Rules issued by the Victorian Electricity Supply Industry.
ActewAGL and the User are responsible for Delivery Station components (and must comply with their respective obligations in relation to the design, ownership, operation and maintenance of them) in accordance with the ACT Gas Network Boundary Code and ACT Gas Service and Installation Rules Code, except to the extent they expressly agree otherwise in writing.
Subject to clause 16 (in relation to Basic Metering Equipment), Evoenergy and the User are responsible for Delivery Station components (and must comply with their respective obligations in relation to the design, ownership, operation and maintenance of them) in accordance with the ACT Gas Network Boundary Code and ACT Gas Service and Installation Rules Code, except to the extent they expressly agree otherwise in writing.
Where the HV EG system is installed in areas with rapid earth fault current limiter (REFCL) deployment, the HV EG system shall also comply with the REFCL related requirements stipulated in the Electricity Distribution Code and Victorian Service and Installation Rules.
Any special approval outcome must not breach any essential requirement set out in the Evoenergy Service and Installation Rules.
The requirements set out in this document shall be read in conjunction with the Evoenergy Service and Installation Rules which are located on the Evoenergy website.
In addition to advising of the intent to connect new premises, or carry out a connection alteration at existing premises, the Application for Low Voltage Connection Form requires the Applicant to confirm that the installation will be compliant with the Service and Installation Rules of NSW.
Negotiations will be done in accordance with Essential Energy’s Negotiation Framework available at essentialenergy.com.au ACCESSING RELATED POLICY DOCUMENTSConnections must comply with Essential Energy’s related policies in addition to various AS/NZS standards and the Service and Installation Rules of NSW.
Connection point means, in relation to the premises of a customer or a class of customers, the point of connection to an electrical installation supplying electricity to the premises as determined in accordance with the Service and Installation Rules of New South Wales, as in force from time to time, published by the Department of Planning and Environment Customer** has the same meaning as in the National Energy Retail Law (NSW).
Sets out the requirements and associated obligations and procedures for the safe, reliable and efficient connection of electrical installations to an electricity networkEvoenergy Service and Installation Rules Evoenergy Connection PolicyTABLE 4.