Examples of Service Number in a sentence
If You are submitting a check for the payment of the renewal of the technical support services on this renewal order, the check must include the following information: - Support Service Number: 1867984 - Total Price: USD 1,134,076.80 (excluding applicable tax) - Local Tax, if applicable In issuing a check, Board of Education of the City of Chicago agrees that only the terms of this renewal order and the agreement shall apply to the technical support services renewed under this renewal order.
If You are submitting a check for the payment of the renewal of the technical support services on this renewal order, the check must include the following information: - Support Service Number: 2081388 - Total Price: USD 235,134.13 (excluding applicable tax) - Local Tax, if applicable In issuing a check, Board of Education of the City of Chicago agrees that only the terms of this renewal order and the agreement shall apply to the technical support services renewed under this renewal order.
If You are submitting a check for the payment of the renewal of the technical support services on this renewal order, the check must include the following information: - Support Service Number: 3657633 - Total Price: USD 274,336.87 (excluding applicable tax) - Local Tax, if applicable In issuing a check, Board of Education of the City of Chicago agrees that only the terms of this renewal order and the agreement shall apply to the technical support services renewed under this renewal order.
If You are submitting a check for the payment of the renewal of the technical support services on this renewal order, the check must include the following information: - Support Service Number: 2369702 - Total Price: USD 5,426.00 (excluding applicable tax) - Local Tax, if applicable In issuing a check, Board of Education of the City of Chicago agrees that only the terms of this renewal order and the agreement shall apply to the technical support services renewed under this renewal order.
SFTP Secure File Transfer Protocol SNA Special Needs Assistant NCSE National Council for Special Education DOE Department of Education DOB Date of Birth PPSN Personal Public Service Number DPIN Departmental Pupil Identity Number AD Active Directory VPN Virtual Private Network 2FA Two Factor Authentication VTOS Vocational Training Opportunities Scheme Interpretation Table DEFINITION MEANING Data controller Has the meaning given to it by the General Data Protection Regulation (2016/679).