Examples of Settlement guidelines in a sentence
The Debt €ollection Policy Manual and Negotiated Settlement guidelines provide ATO staff withthe appropriate principles and guidance to manage the collection of tax liabilities.
Bank for International Settlement guidelines set out that this must be supported by at least 8 per cent in capital.
By virtue of her mission to shed on the whole world the radiance of the Gospel message, and to unify un- der one Spirit all men of whatever nation, race or culture, the Church stands forth as a sign of that brother- hood which allows honest dialogue and gives it vigor.
Check Transaction Status Note: The PSP shall continue to provide option to their customers for raising dispute/complaints using PSP App and adhere to resolve the same within TAT as defined in UPI Operating and Settlement guidelines.
Based on the SBP and Bank for International Settlement guidelines / frameworks, the bank has +onstituted a ªisk Management Committee, developed an elaborate risk identifi+ation measurement and management framework and has also reorganised risk management fun+tion broadly based on the following: - Setting up of separate risk areas (as detailed below) - Engaging the advisory servi+es of an international +onsultant for the overall risk management fun+tion.
Settlement guidelines and tiers are described in Attachment D – Collection Credit Guidelines and Attachment E – Three-Tier Structure Credit Guidelines 6.
Based on the SBP and Bank for International Settlement guidelines / frameworks, the bank has constituted a Risk Management Committee, developed an elaborate risk identification measurement and management framework and has also reorganised risk management function broadly based on the following: - Setting up of separate risk areas (as detailed below) - Engaging the advisory services of an international consultant for the overall risk management function.
Settlement guidelines are provided in Schedule 1 – Balance Amount Settlement Guidelines.
If this is a family & divorce matter, the program guidelines require that a pre-screening be conducted by the program to see if the case is appropriate for mediation.The Early Settlement guidelines prohibit our program from accepting cases with protective/ restraining orders, alleged domestic abuse, drug &/or alcohol abuse.
Settlement guidelines allow for avoidance of transactiondelivery failures.