Sexual assault forensic examiner definition

Sexual assault forensic examiner means a sexual assault nurse examiner, physician, physician
Sexual assault forensic examiner means a physician or
Sexual assault forensic examiner means a physician or physician assistant who has completed training that meets or is substantially similar to the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines established by the International Association of Forensic Nurses.

Examples of Sexual assault forensic examiner in a sentence

  • Restrictions on Use of Funds Research projects; Sexual assault forensic examiner projects; Activities focused on prevention efforts (e.g., bystander intervention, social norm campaigns, presentations on health relationships, etc.); Criminal justice-related projects, including law enforcement, prosecution, courts, and forensic interviews; Providing domestic violence services that do not relate to sexual violence.

  • Restrictions on Use of Funds Research projects; Sexual assault forensic examiner projects; Activities focused on prevention efforts (e.g., bystander intervention, social norm campaigns, presentations on health relationships, etc.); Criminal justice-related projects, including law enforcement, prosecution, courts and forensic interviews; Providing domestic violence services that do not relate to sexual violence.

  • The term includes a SAFE program 4-17 designated as a SAFE-ready facility under Section 323.052.4-18 (3-b) "SAFE program" has the meaning assigned by 4-19 Section 323.051.4-20 (4) "Sexual assault" means any act as described by 4-21 Section 22.011 or 22.021, Penal Code.4-22 (4-a) "Sexual assault forensic examiner" means a 4-23 certified sexual assault nurse examiner or a physician with 4-24 specialized training on conducting a forensic medical examination.

More Definitions of Sexual assault forensic examiner

Sexual assault forensic examiner means a sexual assault nurse examiner, physician, physician assistant, nurse practitioner, or registered nurse who has completed training that meets or is substantially similar to the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines established by the International Association of Forensic Nurses.
Sexual assault forensic examiner means a physician or physician assistant who has completed training that meets or is substantially similar to the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines established by the International Association of Forensic Nurses. "Sexual assault nurse examiner" means an advanced practice registered nurse or registered professional nurse who has completed a sexual assault nurse examiner training program that meets the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Education Guidelines established by the International Association of Forensic Nurses. "Sexual assault services voucher" means a document generated by a hospital or approved pediatric health care facility at the time the sexual assault survivor receives outpatient medical forensic services that may be used to seek payment for any ambulance services, medical forensic services, laboratory services, pharmacy services, and follow-up healthcare provided as a result of the sexual assault. "Sexual assault survivor" means a person who presents for medical forensic services in relation to injuries or trauma resulting from a sexual assault. "Sexual assault transfer plan" means a written plan developed by a hospital and approved by the Department, which describes the hospital's procedures for transferring sexual assault survivors to another hospital, and an approved pediatric health care facility, if applicable, in order to receive medical forensic services. "Sexual assault treatment plan" means a written plan that describes the procedures and protocols for providing medical forensic services to sexual assault survivors who present themselves for such services, either directly or through transfer from a hospital or an approved pediatric health care facility. "Transfer hospital" means a hospital with a sexual assault transfer plan approved by the Department. "Transfer services" means the appropriate medical screening examination and necessary stabilizing treatment prior to the transfer of a sexual assault survivor to a hospital or an approved pediatric health care facility that provides medical forensic services to sexual assault survivors pursuant to a sexual assault treatment plan or areawide sexual assault treatment plan. "Treatment hospital" means a hospital with a sexual assault treatment plan approved by the Department to provide medical forensic services to all sexual assault survivors who present with a complaint of sexual assault within a minimum of the last 7 days or who have disclosed past sexual assault by a specif...
Sexual assault forensic examiner means a physician or physician assistant who has completed training that meets or is substantially similar to the Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner
Sexual assault forensic examiner means a physician or physician assistant licensed pursuant to chapter 370, a registered nurse or advanced practice registered nurse licensed pursuant to chapter 378 or nurse midwife licensed pursuant to chapter 377 who has successfully completed the certification process and met all continuing education and recertification requirements implemented by the Chief Court Administrator pursuant to subsection (c) of section 19a-112f.
Sexual assault forensic examiner means a physician or physician assistant who
Sexual assault forensic examiner means a 6-54 certified sexual assault nurse examiner or a physician licensed 6-55 under Subtitle B, Title 3, Occupations Code, with specialized 6-56 training on conducting a forensic medical examination.
Sexual assault forensic examiner means a certified sexual assault nurse examiner or a physician licensed