Examples of Shanghai Costamare in a sentence
Mr. Zacharatos has also served as the Vice Chairman of Shanghai Costamare since its incorporation in 2005.
The technical, crewing, provisioning, bunkering, sale and purchase and accounting services, as well as certain commercial services of certain of the Company’s vessels, have been subcontracted from Costamare Shipping to Shanghai Costamare.
Shanghai Costamare is not part of the consolidated group of the Company.
Shanghai Costamare is a company incorporated in the People’s Republic of China.
In 2005, Mr. Konstantakopoulos founded another of our managers, Shanghai Costamare, of which he is the controlling stockholder.
Mr. Zacharatos joined Costamare Shipping in 2000, became a member of the board of directors of Costamare Shipping in June 2010 and has also been responsible for the legal affairs of Costamare Shipping, Costamare Services, CIEL, Shanghai Costamare and C-Man Maritime.
The technical, crewing, provisioning, bunkering, sale and purchase and accounting services, as well as certain commercial services of certain of the Company’s vessels have been subcontracted from the Manager to Shanghai Costamare.
Shanghai Costamare is owned (indirectly) 70% by the Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and 30% (indirectly) by Shanghai Costamare’s General Manager.
The officers and crew for our containerships managed by Shanghai Costamare are recruited indirectly through a local manning agent.
Shanghai Costamare”): Shanghai Costamare is owned (indirectly) 70% by the Company’s Chairman and Chief Executive Officer and 30% (indirectly) by Shanghai Costamare’s General Manager.