KPLC definition

KPLC. Wherever appearing means The Kenya Power and Lighting PLC and shall have the same meaning with “Kenya Power”or “Kenya Power and Lighting Company Limited
KPLC means The Kenya Power and Lighting Company PLC or its successor(s) and assign(s) where the context so admits (hereinafter abbreviated as KPLC)
KPLC means KPLC or party who employs the Service Provider

Examples of KPLC in a sentence

  • KPLC will respond in writing to any request for clarification of the Tender documents, which it receives not later than seven (7) days prior to the deadline for the submission of Tenders, prescribed by KPLC.

  • The clauses in this section need not therefore, be completed but must be completed by KPLC if any changes to the GCC provisions are deemed necessary.

  • WHEREAS ……………………………………… (name of the Tenderer) (hereinafter called “the Tenderer”) has submitted its Tender dated ……… for the supply, installation and commissioning of………………………… (please insert KPLC tender no.

  • KPLC will evaluate and compare the Tenders that have been determined to be substantially responsive in compliance to the Technical requirements set out in the Tender Document.

  • The Tender prepared by the Tenderer, as well as all correspondence and documents relating to the tender, exchanged between the Tenderer and KPLC, shall be written in English language.

More Definitions of KPLC

KPLC means the agency/body named as KPLC in the Special Conditions of Contract (SCC) and the legal successors in title to this person.
KPLC means The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited, which is an electric power distributor, licensed in terms of the Electric Power Act, 1997.
KPLC s Personnel” means all staff employed by KPLC.
KPLC s Equipment” means the apparatus, machinery and vehicles (if any) made available by KPLC for the use of the Contractor in the execution of the Services, as stated in the Specification; but does not include Plant which has not been taken over by KPLC.
KPLC s Representative” means the person named by KPLC in accordance with Sub-Clause 3.3 (a) to represent and act for KPLC at all times during the performance of the Contract.
KPLC means the Kenya Power & Lighting Company Ltd, a limited liability company established under the Electricity Act of Kenya.
KPLC means The Kenya Power & Lighting Company Limited (KPLC)