Examples of Share Placement in a sentence
As required by the ASX Listing Rules, below is a hypothetical example of the potential dilution of Shareholders of the Company where the full 10% Share Placement Capacity is utilised, on the basis of three different assumed issue prices and numbers of equity securities on issue.
In addition, the final number of H Shares to be issued under the H Share Placement shall also be determined with reference to the actual number of the Consideration Shares to be issued under the Merger by Absorption, so as to maintain the minimum public float in compliance with the requirements of the Listing Rules upon completion of the issuance of the Consideration Shares.
The H Share Placement will be conducted under the Specific Mandate, the completion of which shall be one of the conditions precedent to the completion of the Merger by Absorption so as to maintain the minimum public float in compliance with the requirements of the Listing Rules.
The details of the proposed H Share Placement are set out below: Type and nominal value of Shares to be issued: The type of the Shares to be issued under the H Share Placement is ordinary H Shares, with nominal value of RMB1.00 each.
As at to-date, the net proceeds from the 2017 Share Placement has been fully utilized.
None of the Placees will become a substantial shareholder of the Bank upon (i) the completion of the H Share Placement or (ii) the completion of the H Share Placement and the issuance of the Consideration Shares pursuant to the Merger by Absorption.
Accordingly, the minimum issue price under the H Share Placement is RMB1.00 per Share.
If the number of Placing Shares to be issued falls below 3,105,000,000 H Shares, the H Share Placement and the Merger by Absorption will not proceed.Target placees : The Placees of the Placing Shares shall be no less than sixeligible investors who are independent of the Bank and its connected persons (except as restricted by laws).
At the date of the Notice, the Company has not approached any particular existing Shareholders or class of security holders in relation to the proposed 10% Share Placement Capacity.
THE PROPOSED TERMS OF H SHARE PLACEMENT On 26 January 2022, the Board approved the resolution on the proposed H Share Placement and proposed to seek approval from the Shareholders in relation to the granting of the Specific Mandate at the EGM, the H Share Class Meeting and the Domestic Share Class Meeting to consider, and if thought fit, to approve, among others, the proposed H Share Placement.