Signatory Parties definition
Examples of Signatory Parties in a sentence
To this end, Article XI of GATT 1994 and its interpretative notes, or any equivalent provision of a successor agreement to which the Parties or Signatory Parties are party, are incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement.
The provisions of this Chapter are intended to prevent technical regulations and standards, conformity assessment procedures and metrology of the Signatory Parties from becoming unnecessary technical barriers to mutual trade.
In the application of antidumping or countervailing measures and with respect to subsidies, the Signatory Parties shall be governed by their respective legislation, which shall be consistent with the WTO Agreement.
The activities undertaken under this Chapter shall not affect the cooperation initiatives based on bilateral instruments between any two of the Signatory Parties.
The Parties and the Signatory Parties shall favour the adoption of a mechanism to identify and seek concrete ways to overcome unnecessary technical barriers to trade arising from the application of technical regulations, standards and conformity assessment procedures.
The Parties and Signatory Parties share the goal of achieving the multilateral elimination of export subsidies for agricultural products and shall cooperate in efforts to achieve an agreement within the framework of the WTO to eliminate such subsidies.
This Stipulation represents the culmination of these discussions, and the Signatory Parties acknowledge that this agreement is amply supported by the record and, thus, entitled to careful consideration by the Board.
The Signatory Parties agree not to apply export subsidies and other measures and practices of equivalent effect which distort trade and production of agricultural origin, to their mutual agricultural trade.
The Parties and Signatory Parties agree to comply with the International System of Units (SI).
In the framework of this recognition process, the Parties and Signatory Parties shall facilitate access to their territories to demonstrate the implementation of their conformity assessment system.