Examples of Significant incident in a sentence
Significant incident of misconduct orrepeated incidents) A significant first time incident of misconduct or repeated incidents not corrected through previous counseling action, signed by employee and supervisor with copy to employee, supervisor and Personnel File.
Reportable:• Abuse or neglect• Significant incident Non-reportable:• General inquiry• Not under the jurisdiction of the Justice Center The incident is then assigned to the appropriate entity for investigation or review.
Significant incident reports (SIR) and mine safety bulletins (MSB) numbers are noted along with a summary of the Regulator’s assessment including requirements to be addressed, causations identified and recommendations by the Regulator.
Consistent with our pilot study, this was only necessary in 39 descriptions (32%).The DESCRIPTION tag in Figure 1(b) indicates the logical form of a description.
Significant incident criteria and preferred reporting methods are outlined in attachment K.