Examples of Site director in a sentence
Site director coordinates with the principal as dictated by the situation.
The list should identify institutional and departmental affiliation or discipline, and should include biographical information on the Site director and all key faculty members or other individuals from participating institutions who will be directly involved in the development, operation, and evaluation of the Site.
Hasan) BE IT RESOLVED: that the East Orange Board of Education, upon the recommendation of the Interim Superintendent of Schools, approves a pilot project (serving grades 1-5 at the YMCA gardens in the adjacent lot and grades PK and K in the CTEs school yard area implemented by the CTES Art Teacher, Ms. Konopinski and CTES Science teacher, Ms. Solyman along with YMCA Site director Emilio Panasci.
The Drexel University School of Education provides a four-tiered support system for its teacher candidate’s; the Mentor Teacher, the Seminar Instructor, the Site director and the Director of Teacher Certification Programs.
Site Standards and ApplicationSite director applying for a certification of a site will complete the following requirements:• Site director has met all the necessary qualifications to become, or is already, a Certified Traumatologist.