Ski Season definition
Examples of Ski Season in a sentence
As test case, a generic transport aircraft in landing configuration has been selected, with a large availability of data from wind tunnel testing for model validation.
All notices of hearing, dispositions of grievances, written grievances, and appeals may be mailed, and shall be deemed to be received three days after postmarked.
At any and all time(s) other than during the Ski Season, the Shared Synagogue Space may be used by Tenant as conference space without restriction.
Tenant may use a certain portion of the Synagogue Space, as such portion of space is more particularly described and marked by crosshatching on Exhibit DD (the “Shared Synagogue Space”), as conference space during the times the Shared Synagogue Space is not in use as a synagogue; provided, however, that Tenant’s right to use the Shared Synagogue Space pursuant to this Section 5.4.2 shall not apply during any Ski Season.
The Minimum Monthly Guarantee during Ski Season (December through April) for any renewal period shall be equal to the highest amount proposed for those calendar months during the term of the Concession Agreement.