SMS Code definition
Examples of SMS Code in a sentence
It is possible to regulate the temperature within a range of 50 - 250°C.
It assists in protecting your transactions in such circumstances.Unless exempted by us in accordance with these Conditions of Use, all users must be registered for SMS Code Security when required by us.
Within the Intranet Purchase Confirmation SMS Code Service, a minimum technical condition required for the provision of a confirmation code is sent in an SMS message is to have an Internet Explorer 7, Chrome 11, Firefox 6, Safari 5 or Opera 11 version browser or higher.
In case of loss or theft of the Credentials, You commit to following the steps prescribed by TEHTRIS as part of the recovery procedure with SMS Code Verification.
Each SMS Code has a validity period specified for 2 weeks; after that period Token cannot be exchanged to SMS Code.
The need for a public SMS Code of Conduct is pressing so we hope experts in this space will continue to lend their expertise on the subject and thereby move these guidelines intoa working, living code of conduct.
Any change we make to your SMS Code Security will apply to you conducting Secured transactions using your card and also transactions in Bankwest Online Banking.If you have an exemption from SMS Code Security for any period of time, your ability to make payments to third parties in Bankwest Online Banking may be limited.We may suspend your SMS Code Security if we have reason to believe that your online security is at risk, e.g. you entered the wrong SMS Code more than once.
The broker contains infor- mation of the subtree where a subscription in Sb set is connected and thus can project/partition the Sb set onto each subtree rooted at the tree node where the broker resides.
This section will apply if your access method uses a secret code such as a PIN, password or SMS Code.
Capitalised terms shall have the following meaning, unless otherwise stated in the text of these PTC PC: 3D Secure – shall mean a service, protecting the Card Holder against any unauthorised Payment Transaction performed with an Internet Merchant, supporting the 3D Secure service, and which the Bank evaluates as an Internet Merchant; such verification shall be made by entering the Authorisation SMS Code and E-PIN.