Source list definition
Examples of Source list in a sentence
Source list books: Andrew Samuels Bani Shorter and Fred Plaut; A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis; Routledge & Kegan Ltd; 2000.
This source meets the DRR criteria and thus is on the SO2 DRR Source list, and Puerto Rico has chosen to characterize it via modeling.
Consequently, to a large extent succession relevant knowledge is held by the owner manager (Cabrera-Suárez et al., 2001) and through the lens of power theory, can be regarded as a source of power and superiority (Szulanski, 1996).
The Contact List Source Configuration dialog box appears.4. Leave the IC Data Source list box blank and clear the Public check box.5. In the Driver list box, click IC Mail Services.
By selecting a source in the Source list and clicking on the "Delete source" you can remove this source.
CMHC utilizes the Supplier Information (SI) database, maintained by Public Works and Government Services Canada as the Official CMHC Source list.
Amend section 13.102 by revising paragraph (a) to read as follows:13.102 Source list.
Source list Internet: (2008-06-04) Note Dar žr.
On the Source Selection page, click Content Analysis Store (*.cas) in Select Source list.Note: You can also open Microsoft Explorer, click the CAS you want to open as the source, then drag it to the Select Source list and skip the next step.
This source meets the DRR criteria and therefore is on the SO2 DRR Source list.