Special care unit definition
Examples of Special care unit in a sentence
The CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system provides a payment amount forinpatient operating costs, including: (/) Operating costs for routineservices, such as the costs of room, board, and routine nursing services; [if] Operating costs for ancillaryservices, such as hospital radiofogy and laboratory services (other than physicians1' services) furnished to hospitaf inpatients;[Hi] Special care unit operating costs; and[iv) Malpractice insurance costs related to services furnished to inpatients.
Dr. XX on Special care unit in private section on 3rd floor is the most phathtic and unprofessional doctor I have ever met.
The CHAMPUS payment system provides a payment for operating costs, including: Operating costs for routine services; such as the costs of room, board, and routine nursing services; Operating costs for ancillary services, such as hospital radiology and laboratory services (other than physicians’ services) furnished to hospital inpatients; Special care unit operating costs; and Malpractice insurance costs related to servicesfurnished to inpatients.