Special care unit definition

Special care unit means an organized health care service which combines specialized facilities and staff for the intensive care and management of patients in a crisis or potential crisis state. “Special care units” include coronary care, surgical intensive care, medical intensive care and burn units, but do not include post−obstetrical or post−surgical recovery units or neonatal inten- sive care units.
Special care unit. A designated Hospital unit which We approve and which has concentrated all facilities, equipment, and supportive services to provide an intensive level of care for critically ill patients.
Special care unit means an appropriately equipped area of the hospital where there is a concentration of physicians, nurses, and others who have special skills and experience to provide optimal medical care for patients assigned to the unit.

Examples of Special care unit in a sentence

  • The CHAMPUS DRG-based payment system provides a payment amount forinpatient operating costs, including: (/) Operating costs for routineservices, such as the costs of room, board, and routine nursing services; [if] Operating costs for ancillaryservices, such as hospital radiofogy and laboratory services (other than physicians1' services) furnished to hospitaf inpatients;[Hi] Special care unit operating costs; and[iv) Malpractice insurance costs related to services furnished to inpatients.

  • Dr. XX on Special care unit in private section on 3rd floor is the most phathtic and unprofessional doctor I have ever met.

  • The CHAMPUS payment system provides a payment for operating costs, including: Operating costs for routine services; such as the costs of room, board, and routine nursing services; Operating costs for ancillary services, such as hospital radiology and laboratory services (other than physicians’ services) furnished to hospital inpatients; Special care unit operating costs; and Malpractice insurance costs related to servicesfurnished to inpatients.

More Definitions of Special care unit

Special care unit means premises, or a part of premises, comprising secure residential accommodation in which a child, in respect of whom a special care order or an interim special care order has been made, is detained for the purpose of the provision to that child of special care and includes accommodation and facilities required for the provision of special care;
Special care unit means a facility unit that provides intensive specialized care, such as respiratory, rehabilitative, dementia, or dialysis care, continuously on a 24-hour basis.
Special care unit. A designated Hospital unit which We approve and which has concentrated all facilities, equipment, and supportive services to provide an intensive level of care for critically ill patients. Specialty Drugs – Biotechnology drugs or other drug products that may require special ordering, handling, or customer service. Examples include protein drugs, monoclonal antibodies, interferons, antisense drugs, epidermal growth-factor inhibitors, and gene therapies. Speech/Language Pathology Therapy – Treating a speech, language, or swallowing impairment to improve or restore speech, language, or swallowing deficits.
Special care unit means a unit or area of a hospital that includes a critical care unit, an intermediate care unit, or a pediatric care unit.
Special care unit means a physical area within a licensed facility designated for the housing and treatment of residents diagnosed with a specifically defined disease or medical condition.
Special care unit means a residential care facility, or part thereof, that is dedicated to providing care to residents with diagnoses, that include, but are not limited to, late-stage cognitive impairment with significant ongoing daily living assistance needs, cognitive impairments with increased emotional needs or presenting behaviors that cause problems for the resident or other residents, or both; or, serious mental illness.
Special care unit means a unit designated to provide acute care services, with a concentration of qualified professional staffing and supportive resources, to patients requiring extraordinary care on a concentrated and continuous 24-hour basis. Special care units include, but are not limited to burn, cardiac, cardiovascular surgery, neonatal, respiratory, renal care provided in the hospital, but not including ambulatory units, spinal injury units, trauma and multipurpose special care units, operating room suite, including medical-surgical intensive care or any combination of the above.