Specific service sign means a rectangular sign panel, complying with the department's "Construction and Material Specification 730.19," that includes
Specific service sign means a rectangular sign panel, complying with the department's "Construction and Material Specification 730.19," that includes
(1) The words "gas," or "food," or "lodging" or "camping" or "attractions,"
(2) Directional information, and
(3) One or more logo sign panels.
Specific service sign means a specific information panel and means a rectangular sign panel with the following:
Examples of Specific service sign in a sentence
Specific service sign signs shall not be located so as to that obscures obscure or detracts detract from warning, regulatory or and guide signs.
More Definitions of Specific service sign
Specific service sign means a background panel with border and copy upon which one (1) or more separate business signs may be attached and are located adjacent to the mainline and exit ramps of the eligible highway.
Specific service sign means a guide sign that provides road users with business identification and directional information for services and for eligible attractions.
Specific service sign means a rectangular sign panel with:
Specific service sign means a sign erected in conformance with the MUTCD, which identifies one or more of the following service types: gas, food, lodging, camping, or attraction, and that displays logo sign panels of eligible facilities that provide the identified type of service. Specific service signs are placed along the main line of a highway.
Specific service sign means a "specific informational panel" bearing separately affixed individual business signs, indicating the presence of one or more gas, food, lodging, camping or attraction, and erected in advance of exit ramps on interstate systems or access controlled roadways. In appropriate context only, it also means a supplemental direction panel.
Specific service sign means a supplemental guide sign displaying Logo pan- els for specific businesses that provide eligi- ble motorist services or tourist attractions as outlined in this rule.
Specific service sign means a supplemental guide sign displaying Logo panels for specific businesses that provide eligible motorist services or tourist attractions as outlined in this rule.