Examples of Specified Policies in a sentence
At and after the Division Effective Time, the Specified Policies shall be considered Policies of the New Company, for purposes of the MPCGA Act in effect at the Division Effective Time, as a successor of the Dividing Company automatically, by operation of law.
Because the Specified Policies impacted by the Proposed Restructuring were all issued in Michigan, Allstate proposes to issue written notice of the Proposed Restructuring to the Michigan Department of Insurance and Financial Services (the “MI DIFS”), including a copy of the Plan of Division filed with the Department.
At least 25 days before the Hearing date, Allstate will send a written notice to each policyholder for the Specified Policies (a “Policyholder”) and to each person with an outstanding personal injury claim under the Specified Policies (a “Claimant”), whose claim will become a claim of a Merger Co as a result of the Proposed Restructuring.
The New Company shall be the successor of the Dividing Company with respect to any rights or obligations related to the MCCA to the extent arising out of, resulting from or relating to the Specified Policies.
Because the Specified Policies are property casualty policies that were issued in Michigan, the Dividing Companies have been, and the Merger Cos will become members of the Michigan Property and Casualty Guaranty Association (“MPCGA”) and the Illinois Insurance Guaranty Fund (“IIGF”) upon their licensure in Michigan and Illinois, respectively.