Speed definition
Examples of Speed in a sentence
The Notice sent by Registered post or Speed post shall be effective on delivery or at the expiry of the normal delivery period as undertaken by the postal service.
If the district currently meets the required speed, enter “Currently Met” in the last box: Expected Date When Required Speed Will be Met.
Provide a minimum texture depth of 0.031 inches.(2) Roadways with Speed Limits Less than 45 MPH.The Engineer will test the texture achieved by the carpet drag in accordance with ASTM E 965 and the Field Sampling and Testing Manual.
Number of StudentsRequired Speed in MbpsCurrent Speed in MbpsExpected Speed to be Attained Within 12 MonthsExpected Date When Required Speed Will be MetCalculated Speed(No Response)0.00(No Response)(No Response)(No Response) 3.Describe how you intend to use Smart Schools Bond Act funds for high-speed broadband and/or wirelessconnectivity projects in school buildings.
Here also, BRBNMPL will convey its observation suitably to the tenderer by register! Speed post and, if the tenderer does not accept BRBNMPL’s observation, that tender will be liable to be ignored.