Speed definition

Speed. , in relation to a vessel, means speed with reference to a stationary horizontal plane (as distinct from speed through water which may itself be in motion);
Speed means the legal maximum speed at which a loaded vehicle may traverse any section of a road on which grades, curves or conditions of surface may affect the classification. Pass only with difficulty means normally one or both vehicles must either considerably reduce speed or stop in order to pass. Earth road means a constructed formation upon which no surfacing material has been laid or spread and which contains inadequate natural surfacing material. Vehicle means a loaded or unloaded log truck.
Speed means the speed limit established in ORS 811.111 or the designated speed posted under ORS 810.180.

Examples of Speed in a sentence

  • The Notice sent by Registered post or Speed post shall be effective on delivery or at the expiry of the normal delivery period as undertaken by the postal service.

  • If the district currently meets the required speed, enter “Currently Met” in the last box: Expected Date When Required Speed Will be Met.

  • Provide a minimum texture depth of 0.031 inches.(2) Roadways with Speed Limits Less than 45 MPH.The Engineer will test the texture achieved by the carpet drag in accordance with ASTM E 965 and the Field Sampling and Testing Manual.

  • Number of StudentsRequired Speed in MbpsCurrent Speed in MbpsExpected Speed to be Attained Within 12 MonthsExpected Date When Required Speed Will be MetCalculated Speed(No Response)0.00(No Response)(No Response)(No Response) 3.Describe how you intend to use Smart Schools Bond Act funds for high-speed broadband and/or wirelessconnectivity projects in school buildings.

  • Here also, BRBNMPL will convey its observation suitably to the tenderer by register! Speed post and, if the tenderer does not accept BRBNMPL’s observation, that tender will be liable to be ignored.

More Definitions of Speed

Speed means the number of revolutions of the motor shaft in a given unit of time. Speed is expressed in revolutions per minute (RPM).
Speed. , in relation to a vessel, means its speed as measured by reference to the actual distance travelled by it;
Speed means speed measured over the bed of a Navigation Waterway.
Speed means being quick and flexible, having smooth and efficient operations and always ad- justing to market conditions.
Speed means being quick and flexible, having smooth and efficient operations and always adjusting to market conditions.
SpeedThe contract speed shall be provided for up direction travel with full- capacity load in the elevator car. The speed in either direction under any loading condition shall not vary more than five percent (5%) of the contract speed.
Speed. It will provide you and your business with fast access to the world of Internet.