Examples of Standards of Performance Regulations in a sentence
These standards will reflect similar provisions in the Electricity (Standards of Performance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 1993 and the Gas (Standards of Performance) Regulations 2005 in Great Britain.
Item No: 4The Norms set by it for the discharge of its functions ITEM-4: THE NORMS SET FOR THE DISCHARGE OF ITS FUNCTINOS Norms for discharge of functions have been prescribed by KERC vide KERC (Licensees Standards of Performance) Regulations, 2004.
Item No: 4The Norms set by it for the discharge of its functionsITEM-4: THE NORMS SET FOR THE DISCHARGE OF ITS FUNCTINOS Norms for discharge of functions have been prescribed by KERC vide KERC (Licensees Standards of Performance) Regulations, 2004.
The viewing sample is to be used for guidance for all factors not covered by the RCMP specification.
Currently where a Transporter is required to make a payment under the Gas (Standards of Performance) Regulations 2005 (as amended), known as Guaranteed Standards of Performance (GSoP), there is an ability to make payment via the registered Shipper and Supplier for the payment to be passed to the relevant consumer through their gas bill.
I represent that I reviewed and understand the risks related to investing in the Direct Plan discussed in the Disclosure Booklet.
The Gas Act 1986 (as amended 2005) The Gas (Standards of Performance) Regulations 2005 (amended 2008).
The Commission has issued Kerala State Electricity Regulatory Commission (Licensees' Standards of Performance) Regulations, 2006 applicable to distribution licensees as per section 57 and Section 59 of the Act with effect from 1-11-2006.
The Gas (Individual Standards of Performance) Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2014 detail a number of circumstances where the guaranteed standards may not apply.
The table below outlines the industry standard response times outlined in the Electricity (Connection Standards of Performance) Regulations 2015 and the Quality of Service Guaranteed Standards.