Examples of Startup period in a sentence
The Secretary of State may pay further grant in the Start-up period, as determined and specified by him, for costs which cannot otherwise be met from GAG.
A seg- regated asset account that satisfies the requirements of paragraph (b) of this section on the last day of a quarter of a calendar year (i.e., March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31) or within 30 days after such last day shall be considered adequately diversified for such quarter.(2) Start-up period.
Startup period shall not begin until all new treatment facilities and equipment have been tested as specified and are ready for operation.
CONTRACTOR shall assume responsibility for the provision of Revenue Service and all other obligations under this Contract on the Commencement Date, at the conclusion of the Transition and Start-up period.
Startup period shall not begin until all systems and materials have been tested as specified and are ready for operation.