Examples of State Density Bonus Law in a sentence
As such, the project is consistent with the State Density Bonus Law and the local Density Bonus Ordinance, which the Affordable Housing Incentives Guidelines implement.
However, at that time, the Affordable Housing Incentives Guidelines were not updated to reflect changes to the City’s Density Bonus Ordinance or more recent changes in State Density Bonus Law located in the Government Code.
The City shall process an incentive requested by an applicant, consistent with State Density Bonus Law and as set forth in this Section.
The City’s Density Bonus Ordinance permits a maximum density increase of up to 35 percent in exchange for setting aside 11 percent of the base density units for Very Low-Income Households in accordance with the State Density Bonus Law.
The project utilizes the State Density Bonus Law (California Government Code Section 65915) and the City’s Ordinance No. 179,681 (Density Bonus Ordinance), codified in LAMC Section 12.22 A.25, and Ordinance No. 185,373 (Value Capture Ordinance), codified in LAMC Section 12.24 U.26 (Conditional Use Section of LAMC) to increase the maximum density from nine to 15 dwelling units, two of which will be set aside for Very Low-Income Households, and one for Low Income Households.
The State Density Bonus Law (Government Code Section 65915(n)) also allows a city to grant a density bonus greater than 35 percent for a development, if permitted by local ordinance.
A minimum of three units shall be reserved as affordable units for a period of 55 years as follows: two units shall be reserved as affordable units for Very Low-Income household occupancy, and one unit shall be reserved for Low Income household occupancy, as defined by the State Density Bonus Law 65915 (c)(1) or (c)(2) as determined by the California Department of Housing and Community Development (“HCD”).
The density increases and development standard waivers allowed under the HIP shall work in coordination with Density Bonuses and Concessions and Incentives allowed by State Density Bonus Law and with Section 6.5.4. Units provided to obtain increases and bonuses under the HIP and the State Density Bonus Law program must be counted separately.
Additional 10 percent of units (eight units) restricted to Low Income Households under the State Density Bonus Law results in an additional 20 percent bonus (16 additional units).
Age-restricted senior housing, separate from any income restricted units provided under State Density Bonus Law as outlined in Section 6.5.5.D.