State Grant means the State of Illinois participation in the financing of the construction of treatment works as provided for by the Illinois Anti-Pollution Bond Act and for making such grants as filed with the Secretary of State of the State of Illinois.
State Grant means any grant issued by any state of the United States, the District of Columbia, or a territory or possession of the United States, including any agency or instrumentality thereof.
State Grant means a grant administered under this IUP funded by state general obligation bonds or state general fund appropriations that is not used as state match for a DWSRF capitalization grant.
Examples of State Grant in a sentence
The funding for Independent Contractor's services may be provided through State Grant funds.
More Definitions of State Grant
State Grant means funding provided by a state spending unit, regardless of the
State Grant means funding provided by a state spending unit, regardless of the original source of the funds, to a grantee upon application for a specific purpose. The term "state grant" does not include: (A) Payments for goods and services purchased by a state spending unit; (B) compensation to state employees and public officials; (C) reimbursements to state employees and public officials for travel or incidental expenses; (D) grants of student aid; (E) government transfer payments; (F) direct benefits provided under state insurance and welfare programs; (G) funds reimbursed to a person for expenditures made for qualified purposes when receipts for the expenditures are required prior to receiving the funds; (H) retirement benefits; and (I) federal pass-through funds that are subject to the federal Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996, 31 U.S.C. § 7501, et seq. The term "state grant" does not include formula distributions to volunteer and part-volunteer fire departments and fire companies made pursuant to §33-3-14d, §33-3-33, or §33-12C-7 of this code and does not include money received from the Fire Service Equipment and Training Fund as provided in §29-3-5f of this code.
State Grant means the local public health services state grant, which is the allocation of state funds appropriated annually by the Iowa general assembly for local public health services.
State Grant means the $5 million grant awarded to the City pursuant 2018 Laws of Minnesota, Chapter 214, Art. 1, Section 21, Subdivision 30 for the purpose redeveloping a former quarry site on the Property as a regional park and to predesign, design, construct, furnish, and equip a public open-air stage and related facilities, as set forth in the State Grant Agreement.
State Grant has the meaning set forth in the Development Agreement. “Taking” has the meaning set forth in Section 21(a).
State Grant means a financial assistance provided by the state to a natural or legal person, in accordance with law;