State Water Project definition

State Water Project or “SWP” means the State Water Project as authorized by Water Code sections 12930 et seq. and Water Code sections 11100 et seq. and operated by DWR.
State Water Project or “SWP” means the State Water Facilities, as defined in California Water Code section 12934(d).
State Water Project. ’ means the water project de-

Examples of State Water Project in a sentence

  • The Department of Water Resources (DWR) has established a compensated time off (CTO) bonus as an incentive for Unit 10 permanent full-time employees to improve the operational availability of generating and pumping plants in the State Water Project.

More Definitions of State Water Project

State Water Project means the State Water Project operated by DWR. The SWP generally includes the State Water Facilities, as defined in California Water Code section 12934(d), and certain facilities authorized by the Central Valley Project Act at section 11100 et. seq.
State Water Project or “SWP”), or any riparian or appropriative water rights.
State Water Project means the water storage and delivery system of reservoirs, aqueducts, power plants and pumping plants operated by the California Department of Water Resources pursuant to the California Water Resources Development Bond Act (Cal. Wat. Code
State Water Project means the State Water Facilities, as defined in California Water Code section 12934(d).
State Water Project or “SWP”), (3) has a contract with Reclamation or the State of California to convey water from CVP or SWP facilities, or (4) has a legal right to receive water directly from CVP or SWP facilities.
State Water Project. “Project” or “SWP” shall mean those project facilities defined in the respective Water Supply Contracts of Contractors.
State Water Project means water made available to the Agency by the State of California pursuant to the terms of the Contract.