Store Employees definition
Examples of Store Employees in a sentence
In this clause all reference to "Employees" shall mean employees whose employment is regulated by the Wool, Hide and Skin Store Employees' Award No. 8 of 1966.
This award shall be known as the "Wool, Hide and Skin Store Employees' Award No. 8 of 1966" as amended and consolidated.
The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and ex clusive collective bargaining representative for all of its em ployees (other than store managers, meat department, and supervisory employees), coming under the Jurisdiction of the Retail Store Employees Union, Local 692, in the stores in the areas set forth in Exhibit B, attached hereto and made a part hereof.
A retirement plan applicable to part-time employees shall be set up within the Jointly Trusteed Retirement Plan for Retail Store Employees of Metro Ontario Inc.
All non-Casual Hourly Rate Store Employees will receive a Sunday Loading in addition to the hourly rates of pay shown above.
The Employer recognizes the Union as the sole and ex clusive collective bargaining representative for all of its em ployees (other than Store Managers, Meat Department and Supervisory employees) coming under the jurisdiction of Re tail Store Employees Union, Local No. 692, in the stores in the areas set forth in Exhibit “ B,” attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Annual leave for all non-Casual Hourly Rate Store Employees will accrue at the rate of four (4) weeks’ paid leave per annum, calculated based on Ordinary Time Hours per month.
ProceduralYes No(If Yes, please describe.) Student Interns are instructed to cooperate when challenged by Retail Store Employees.
See generally Table 1: “CPS Grocery Store Employees and Operating Measures: Sample Means and Standard Deviations, 1984 and 1994,” in John W.
This Schedule applies to all Store Employees engaged on an hourly rate basis (“Hourly Rate Store Employee”).