Examples of Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda in a sentence
The Executive Director (ED) has the statutory task to “consolidate and submit for adoption to the Governing Board the draft Multi-Annual Strategic Plan (MASP) composed of the Multi-Annual Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (MASRIA) as proposed by the Private Members Board and the multiannual financial perspectives from the public authorities”.
The topic area is a natural continuation and expansion of previous activities undertaken by MARTEC I&II and is in alignment with Strategic Areas of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of JPI Oceans.
In considering the exploitation potential, attention will be given to how the work contributes to meeting the objectives of the European Aquaculture Technology and Innovation Platform, as defined in the thematic Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (“The Vision”) (www.eatip.eu).
Moreover, the CETPartnership will contribute to reaching the objectives of saving energy, producing clean energy, diversifying Europe’s energy supplies, strengthening Europe’s clean energy value chains and making them more sustainable, as outlined in the recently launched REPowerEU Plan.The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) of the CETPartnership is the keystone for the implementation of the Partnership.
To achieve the scientific objectives of the Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, all sectors concerned by the hydrogen economy should be given the possibility to get involved in preparing and implementing its Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
Aligned around a multi- annual Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda with common objectives for research and innovation in pandemic preparedness, the prospective partners – in close collaboration with ECDC, EMA and other relevant actors – will define research needs in the medium- to long- term.
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda shall identify the partnership’s targeted impact, foreseen portfolio of activities, measurable expected outcomes, resources, deliverables, and milestones within a defined timeframe.
The topics for the calls will be drawn from the water challenges identified in the Water4All Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA, publication foreseen February 2022; see figure 1).
It should produce a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda, summarising recommendations for research priorities and coordinated programming and funding mechanisms.
The Action Plan5 of ICPerMed builds on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) “Shaping Europe's Vision for Personalised Medicine”6 developed by PerMed in 2015.