Strategy and Results Framework definition
Examples of Strategy and Results Framework in a sentence
The Centers deliver innovative research outcomes within the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework based on resources provided by the Funders, within the institutional architecture for international development including the Sustainable Development Goals.
Research in the CGIAR is guided by the Strategy and Results Framework (SRF), which sets forth the System’s common goals in terms of development impact (System-Level Outcomes [SLOs])1, strategic objectives and results in terms of outputs and outcomes.
Given the linkages of adaptive social protection to disaster risk management and climate change adaptation, the Joint Programme will also strengthen the implementation of the Caribbean Disaster Management Strategy and Results Framework for 2014-2024.
Strategy and Results Framework is certainly a positive outcome of the reforms.
Hence the lack of a high-quality Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) – focused on outcomes - is a key reason for many of the challenges facing the CGIAR partnership.
In providing its advice, the ISPC will ensure alignment of programs with the Strategy and Results Framework.
Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) by the Consortium Office in 201122 provided an initial framework for CGIAR’s strategic planning, management and communications in support of results-based management.
The Executive Director shall serve as one of the major public faces of the CGIAR System, reaching out to stakeholders of all regions, to drive progress toward the goals of the CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework.
The Strategy and Results Framework (SRF) is intended to provide the system-wide coherence for prioritization of research questions and delineation of expected outcomes.
It may accept other funds from other sources as the Consortium Board determines are consistent with the purpose of the Consortium, as defined in Article 2.2, and the current CGIAR Strategy and Results Framework.